I often ramble off with my camera to see what I can find in and around Toronto's various neighborhoods. I've often wondered what I would do if I came across someone who was in an accident or was getting robbed while I was on one of these walks. Would I take the picture? Take the picture and then help? Or just jump in and help? There's no real answer to questions like this. I hope I do the right thing, I think I'll do the right thing, but really, when it comes right down to it, I won't really know how I'll react until a situation presents itself.

I opened my Inbox to some pretty bad news this morning - a few people were pointing out that there were blog reports that Blogrolling.com had a pretty substantial security vulnerability in it that exposed allowed account holders to modify blogrolls belonging to other users. Thankfully, the fix was pretty straightforward and we had a code level patch applied in less than an hour. If it wasn't for the email that I'd received, the hole would still probably be open. Definite and sincere thanks to everyone that sent me a heads-up.

On the other hand, I'm pretty disappointed on a personal level that a few people decided to "take the picture" instead of letting us/we know that there was a problem that needed our attention. In fairness, the source of the report eventually did send Blogrolling.com support a message - several hours after posting details regarding how to exploit the hole to his personal weblog.

Better late than never? Not sure.