Courtesy of the masterful Paul Sisson, we've got a few new stylesheets to play with. If you want to change the look and feel of your Blogware, simply follow these quick instructions:

***Note, you must be using the default templates in order for these instructions to work. If you are not using the default template, send me an email and I will send you some further instructions.

  1. Log in to your Blogware Control Panel
  2. Click on "Look and Feel"
  3. Click on "Templates"
  4. Look down the list of Component Templates until you come to the one labelled "Style". Click "Edit"
  5. From the list of Style Options, select either "Autumn", "Sunset" or "newdefault".
  6. Click the "Select Style" button at the bottom of the list.
  7. Click the View Blog tab in the top left of your screen.

That's it - you should now be sporting some funky new colors and a slightly different way of looking at things. Best of all, everything is compatible with the Layout Manager which means you can easily manage the look and feel of your Blog.