Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:29:51 GMT
[Posted to Old Stuff on July 31, 2002 08:29 AM| Links to this post ]
On July 26, 2002, Susan Crawford, of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering, filed a submission to the ICANN Public Comment Forum on the WLS on behalf of SnapNames that suggests that the Board review of the recommendations of the Transfers TF related to the WLS is "...a process not based in any contractually supported or legally permissible role of the Board." Needless to say, I couldn't disagree with the arguments made in this submission more strongly (except in two regards - read the paper ;) and have fi led a response with the Transfers TF for their consideration. My basic feeling is that; 1. The WLS constitutes a fundamental change in the domain names market which permanently advantages one player. 2. The safeguards recommended by the Task Force to allay some of these advantages are reasonable and should receive the support of the Board. 3. The Board of ICANN should deny Verisign's request to amend the contract until such time that Verisign can actually agree to and practically implement the necessary changes to the functional specification of the WLS. I will post a marked up and annotated version of my submission later tonight.
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