So much has happened this week. Its unfortunate that I got sucked into a last minute trip to Washington - the week flew by and a ton of new things happened with Blogware that I want to start playing with. Life's like that I suppose - too many things to do, to little time to do all of them. As a side note, it was nice to get to Washington and reconnect with people on ICANN politics. I think I'll always have a soft-spot for that...:)

Our first milestone release was completed this week. We slipped by two days because of feature-creep, but it was well worth the investment. In addition to the original specification, the styles manager, in-band blogroll management and support for global and custom tags - neato. Most of this is undocumented now, but if you are using blogware, you can definitely start hacking on these things on your own while I get caught up. I love the fact that all of this additional functionality only cost us an additional two days of effort - everything was completed one day ahead of schedule on May 8.

Next release is scheduled for the 23rd of May - PV2. This release will sport a cleaned-up UI and some nifty new features that will allow you to manage media objects - audio, video, pictures - within your blog in a much more useful manner. I'm really looking forward to this release.

In the meantime, be sure to check out what Guile is up to over on his blog - he's completed another blogware template that really showcases the variety that publishers can bring to their blogs with a little bit of effort.

On a personal note, I feel rather odd dealing with all of these different blogs in all of these different environments. Right now, I am running three public blogs, one internal Tucows one and this one. It will be nice to consolidate all of these under Blogware - I really find that having these environments scattered to the wind is *killing* my blog-productivity. Very few posts are going to any of these. I suppose that code-crunch time has something to do with this dynamic as well. Its tough to deal with multiple creative efforts at the same time - right now, getting Blogware in place is taking a much higher priority than posting dreck to Random Bytes....:)