KikologoI’ve been dying to blog this for a week. Tucows is the “mysterious” persona behind Powerjoe1998’s high bid for the recently auctioned Kiko Calendar and Kiko Events services.

The shiny new Tucows blog has the background scoop on our rational behind the purchase, and the Retail Services weblog (the DNS is still propagating for the Kiko URL which resolves to the same weblog that we use for the rest of our retail services).

Kiko Calendar and Kiko Events will both be run out of Tucows Retail Services group that I’m responsible for (along side, NetIdentity, Domain Direct and others). We have some pretty cool integration projects ahead of us to help bring the calendar and event services closer to our other retail services.

Over the short term, the mantra will be “Do No Harm” (okay, actually that’s the long term mantra too ) so we will be first looking to simply bring the servers and applications into the Tucows environment, and then from there, we will be slowly evolving the service in a direction that makes sense from everyone’s perspective.

I’ll definitely be posting more on this. In the meantime, go get your own calendar – I’d love to start getting feedback from you about how we might improve the service.