PurpleCar: "We can't discover the entire world the way we mapped out our playrooms as babies. Some adults leave it at that. They give up discovering. They work. They retire. They rut. One could say their hearts die."

And some adults suck.

I'm happy to say that I've spontaneously smiled in response to a notion of self-satisfied discovery more times over the last three years than I ever did as a teenager or child. Just last week I walked into a meadow, smiled, and happily thought to myself "They *do* make places like this."

Adults tend to dwell on the loss associated with the dulled creativity brought on by the plaque of cyncism that accumulates with the passage of time.

And then they stay there.

There is more though - context makes for marvellous floss. Who cares if I can't relate to a tree-stump as a giant turtle or a hunch-backed monster that I might have when I was younger when I can relate to that tree-stump in terms of who and where I am. I fit in with this tree-stump, that rock, this ocean, those birds in the following nine ways.

You don't have to discover the entire world and experience everything in it. Instead, just make yourself say "Wow" everytime you leave the house. Interact with what's put in front of you as you move through your journeys.

Try it - you will find yourself smiling as your midlife tunnel vision melts away.

[Listening to: Transforming Healthcare Through IT - Indiana University Hospital - IT Conversations (19:27)]